printersupport = SCAM!!!!

Recently we did some investigation work and found a rather elaborate scam targeting printer issues.

It all started when we had a customer call us to check the advise he had received from “Epson” when he had phoned their support number on the website After telling him that he was correct and that hanging up on the “support” was the correct thing to do it go us thinking… this customer called them… from “their” website.

So we did some investigation work and thats when we found the elaborate scam targeting printer issues. So like most people would, this customer had used google and searched “epson printer support australia” and found the above website however no matter what brand of printer you search they all bring up the exact same website :

The only difference is the colour, even the lovely lady in the chat window has the same name on all of these website!

Unfortunately to the untrained eye these website look pretty legitimate, but because we deal with these kinds of websites day in day out we knew straight away something was up. The biggest giveaway on these sites is the lack of company LOGO, the next being that there would normally be tabs such as Support/Drivers/Downloads. But the first give away right from the start is the domain, typicaly these site have the full company domain followed by what you are looking for eg.

Unfortunately scammers are getting more and more cunning, so if your ever in doubt please phone us, even if there is something wrong and you do require a call out/phone support or to bring the computer into the store isn’t it better to be able to put a face and a physical location to who you are paying? Not to mention keeping your money in Australia.

Remember NEVER give someone you don’t know remote support to your computer, once they have this the sky is the limit….

Just to help you along here are the correct support pages: