Business as Usual

Its Business as usual at MicroEd and we are here to help you in any way possible.

We have now split into 2 teams to ensure continued operations.

Team 1 is working from Home – phones, support, remote sessions etc while Team 2 continues to assist clients from our Office and site visits where necessary.

We will continue to carry out site visits provided it is safe for us and our clients. We are employing strict hygiene guidelines as published by the Aust. Govt.

As you can appreciate we are experiencing unimaginable demands on our own Services as we assist clients in moving businesses to WFH with us taking 223 calls on our main phone, 65 calls to our mobiles, 72 emails and 25 tickets in 8 hours. That’s 48 jobs an hour.

Please help us help you by calling the main number rather than our mobiles so that a ticket can be assigned and a staff member organised as quickly as possible. Where possible calling the office will result in an immediate response as the staff can often put you onto the next available technician.

Phone 07 5499 0822 OR Lodge a ticket here